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Car maintenance equipment center

发表于 2019-3-21 02:27:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
After long-term use , the car gearbox will be oxidized at high temperature, the viscosity and antioxidant performance of the gearbox oil will decline, thus failing to meet the oil standard, resulting in slippage of the clutch and accelerating its wear and tear. Moreover, the sludge impurities produced during the use of the gearbox will accelerate the wear of the gearbox and shorten the service life of the gearbox. Secondly, we know that all oils used have a shelf life. Mineral oils are synthetic oils for three years and five years.Generally, the quality guarantee period of the original oil distribution is about three years in the gearbox. So we have to replace the transmission oil to ensure the service life of the gearbox when we drive 40,000 kilometers in two years.You know what? The service life of automatic transmission depends on the use skill + maintenance + use environment. Maintenance costs are about one-tenth of the cost of repairing gearboxes. If your car is not always replaced but accompanied by you for a longer time, I suggest you pay attention to us to gain more knowledge.
https://www.zeayetohho.com/n1835 ... n-flush-machine.htm

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