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Verify your .Cn Email Address in 15 Days or You Might Lose your Domain

发表于 2010-8-1 22:12:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear Customer,

Welcome to Todayisp.com-ICANN and CNNIC accredited registrar, HKDNR Gold Partner, China leading domain names, web hostings and email services provider. In view of all your doubts on .CN domain registration, please find the following latest information:

CNNIC wants you to verify your email address, like, today.

This may sound like a really bad phishing scheme, but it’s coming from a legitimate source.

As reported, all owners of China’s .cn domain names are receiving an email notice to verify their registrant information. Failure to respond within 15

days may mean your domain name is processed according to “relevant provisions of the Registry”.

.Cn registry CNNIC is apparently directly emailing .cn domain name owners according to the email address provided at for whois. So if you have an invalid email

address, you won’t be able to verify and you could lose your domain.

Here’s the message CNNIC sent to some dot CN registrant:

    According to the policy in Article 28th of “China Internet Domain Name Regulations” the applicant for a .CN domain name shall submit true, accurate and

complete domain name registration information and sign a registrant agreement with the domain name registrar. Upon completion of domain name registration, the

applicant for a .CN domain name become a registered domain name holder (registrant).

    Domain name holder’s true, accurate and complete domain name registration information is a certificate of rights for domain name transfer and information

change. In order to protect the rights of the registrant of being domain name holder, CNNIC is requiring all domain name holders to confirm the registration

information via the new launched online system of CNNIC. The notification email will be sent directly to the registrants.

This move is similar to photo ID requirements for new registrations required earlier this year, and banning foreign registrars from registering domains, and was

announced in a similarly haphazard manner (read: without notice).


   Todaynic.com International Limited

ICANN CNNIC Accredited Registrar

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发表于 2010-8-19 20:38:50 | 显示全部楼层
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